The Boucher Bunch is a small group of various Boucher cousins and other Boucher descendants who are primarily searching for their ancestry in Virginia and possibly Pennsylvania. But we welcome all interested Boucher researchers to join our group regardless of where your Boucher line originated! If our group interests you, we invite you to join. This is a “kinder and gentler” effort and is more personal than your usual list server. Many of the members share their personal as well as genealogical selves, so there is more than hard data posted to this group. For “just the facts” people there is the Boucher list server on Roots-L (which has been discontinued, but archived) and managed by one of our group members.

We maintain an e-mail roster for those who wish to receive all the messages. To join us, please e-mail a note to We will then update the roster and send it out to the group with your data.

The Bunch is participating in a Boucher (and other various name spellings) DNA project to help link the various family groups. If you are interested, see the following web page for details.

Boucher Y DNA Website:

Gwen Boucher has a limited number of copies of the Boucher Genealogy book, Out of the Powell Valley: The Story of a Boucher Family.

Email her for availability and costs.

Please e-mail all comments about the web pages to the webmaster, Mike Boucher.

Click here to E-mail Mike