Choctaw Life

Choctaw Life – Miscellaneous Articles

1. Tribal Rainmakers … fact or fiction?
H.B. Cushman, “History of the Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Natchez Indians”
2. Little Choctaw ponies – dependable and strong
3. Choctaw basketry one of traditional talents
4. Choctaw Tradition: Raising Children
From: “The Rise And Fall Of The Choctaw Republic,” by Angie Debo
5. The Choctaw Flatheads By Rita Laws
6. Tell me about my heritage: NAMES, MORALITY, WOMEN, PEACE AND WAR
From: “The Rise And Fall Of The Choctaw Republic,” by Angie Debo
7. Choctaw Life Before Removal
From: “The Rise And Fall Of The Choctaw Republic,” by Angie Debo
8. Pre-Statehood town life in the Choctaw Nation
From: “The Social History of the Choctaw Nation: 1865-1907” by James D. Morrison, edited by James C. Milligan and L. David Norris.
9. Material conditions of our ancestors – what were their homes of long-ago like?
From: “Source Material for the Social and Ceremonial Life of the Choctaw Indians” by John R. Swanton
10. Law and Disorder in the Choctaw Nation in the 1800’s
From: “The Social History of the Choctaw Nation: 1865-1907” by James D. Morrison, edited by James C. Milligan and L. David Norris.

Choctaw Clothing

1. Choctaws quick to accept progressive clothing by Lucas Graywolf
2. Clothing styles of the Primitive Choctaw by Lucas Graywolf
3. Choctaw traditional dresswear

Choctaw Names

1. Choosing your Indian name by Rita Laws
2. Choctaw Names For Choctaw Babies by Rita Laws

Choctaw Medicine

1. Medicine made from plants and roots by Choctaws of long ago
From: “Source Material for the Social and Ceremonial Life of the Choctaw Indians” by John R. Swanton
2. Plants used as medicine
3. Traditional Choctaw Medicine
Information compiled from: The Chronicles of Oklahoma
4. Medicine of the Choctaw Nation centuries ago
In the book “Source Material for the Social and Ceremonial Life of the Choctaw Indians,” an interview with Simpson Tubby and notes from Cushman tell of the medicinal practices of the Choctaw tribe more than a century ago.. . .
5. In 1700’s, Choctaw doctors’ opinion could mean life or death
From: “Source Material for the Social and Ceremonial Life of the Choctaw Indians,” by John R. Swanton
6. Chahta Pashofa Dance
By Sidney J. White of Tuskahoma
Pashofa is a dish prepared by the Choctaw and Chickasaw tribes by boiling hominy corn (tafaula) with cured meat; for instance, the shoulder and ham bones. Pashofa was always prepared at the dance which was held as a sacred ritual ceremony in recognition and respect of the sick.

Choctaw Food

1. What food did we eat in centuries past?
H.B. Cushman, in “The History of the Choctaw, Chickasaw and Natchez Indians”

Choctaw Religion

That Old Time Choctaw Religion Was Quite Different From Today
By Len Green

Choctaws at War

War customs of the ancient Choctaw
an excerpt from “Source Material for the Social and Ceremonial Life of the Choctaw Indians” from the writings of H.B. Cushman . . .(“The History of the Choctaw, Chickasaw and Natchez Indians”)

Choctaw History Notes

Learn your tribal history:
Tolls, Roadwork, Farming, Military Post, Written Constitution, Indian Brigade

Stickball Descriptions

1. Stickball games taken seriously
2. Stickball was (and is) important social gathering
From: “The Rise and Fall of the Choctaw Republic,” by Angie Debo

Choctaw Language

Choctaw Language